North Haven Modern
North Haven Modern
Residential Garden Installation
LOCATION: North Haven, NY
This property was renovated in conjunction with Alex Forden. The vision was for a natural, wild landscape. Our canvas was a 2 acre lot featuring beautiful, huge oak trees dotting a sprawling front lawn, a pond and an antique barn.
In our design we took into consideration the shapes of some of the sculptural pieces displayed on the lawn, and their special relationship to the oak trees. A series of unmown meadow circles, in the sway of their sweep, reflect the sculptures and act as shadows under the large trees. To further complement the sculptures, gravel gardens are utilized throughout. In addition to their beauty, looking out from the inside of the house, it feels almost as if you are looking out into a painting, they serve an important function: the Bayberry, Magnolia virginiana, native grasses (Molina ‘Strahlenquelle’, Briza media, Sporobolus heterolepsis), Lavender ‘Phenomenal’, Monarda, Eupatorium, Pycnanthemum, Agastache etc all act as pollinators to the ecosystem at large. Just beyond the gravel garden is a native meadow and pond, this is an important view from the house. We aligned the gravel garden pathway and mow path in the meadow to draw attention to the pond in the distance.
On the backside of the property, surrounding the barn, a pastoral feel is invoked, with lots of edibles installed including chickens and ducks. A large patch of edible raspberry shrubs and rhubarb sited off the chicken coop. Steel edged vegetable beds planted out with lettuces, cool hardy greens, summer and winter squash, melons, beans and peas etc. As well, a large tomato patch edged with edible flowers- marigolds and nasturtiums. Three large colorful cutting flower beds line the pathway into this area, as well, specimen blueberry bushes massed at the entrance to the space. Informally dotted around the backside of the property are a variety of fruiting trees- specimen peach, apple espalier, pear and plum.
Master Landscape Plan including all plantings and hardscape, Assemble Scope of Work, Assemble Plant List, Oversee job installation. Ongoing management of the landscape.
Forden & Co
Hampton Yards
Jacinto Ramos